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N.J. DOE posts school reopening FAQ list

As a supplement to “The Road Back,” the New Jersey Department of Education has posted a list of frequently…

2018 Legislative Conference: “We Care, We Fight, We Vote, We Win”

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This is really a tale of two movements. One is an effort to undermine and privatize public education. Donald…
Rowan plan would weaken workers’ rights and undermine academics

Recommendations would damage recruitment and retention efforts EDISON… Suggesting extreme changes to faculty and staff working conditions is a…
Charges against Kean U. president should be swiftly resolved

Honesty is a virtue in every occupation, but it is the life blood of education. As a longtime college…

PEN America conducts formal count of school book bans

Responding to the recent surge in book bans in public schools, the New York-headquartered PEN America has collated an…