The recently released “An Army of Temps: AFT Contingent Faculty — Quality of Work/Life Report 2022” is loaded with troubling statistics, such as:

• 68.4 percent of survey respondents have put off/postponed getting dental care/checkups over the past 12 months due to costs

• 48 percent of respondents have put off/postponed getting needed health care during that same time period, also because of expenses
(see graphic above)

Such financial challenges are not lost on AFTNJ, which is mobilizing N.J. adjunct faculty for a campaign to enact into law affordable access to the State Health Benefits Program.

Leadership from the United Adjunct Faculty of New Jersey (Local 2222), the Council of New Jersey State College Locals and Rutgers AAUP-AFT (Local 6323) and Rutgers AAUP-AFT (Local 6323) and Rutgers Adjunct Faculty Union PTLFC-AAUP-AFT (Local 6324) has come together for the first time to harness their collective power to advocate for adjunct faculty across the state. 

Moving forward, these entities will hold statewide virtual meetings for adjunct faculty to share information about the campaign to amend A4398 before it is passed and to further mobilize locals and connect with supportive members in accomplishing this work.

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or want to share a testimonial about your health care experiences?
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