Mayor Booker, others, also voice concerns about the future of Newark’s University Hospital

By Colleen O’Dea

At UMDNJ Tuesday
At UMDNJ Tuesday
Newark Mayor Cory Booker was unsparing in his criticism yesterday of the plan to restructure the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Addressing a joint hearing of the Assembly and Senate higher education committees, Booker said, “It’s almost astonishing to me. There is no bold vision for this institution.”

As the first speaker in the four-hour meeting, Booker — who was joined by other officials, staff, students, and residents — also raised concerns about the future of the city’s University Hospital (now part of UMDNJ).

Holding signs reading, “Keep UMDNJ Strong” and “Hands Off University Hospital,” the crowd filled the multipurpose room of the New Jersey Dental School on the UMDNJ campus that hosted the hearing.
Many cheered those who questioned the rationale behind the plan and stated it would hurt the university. They also jeered at statements that the restructuring could be completed by July 1 and that many staff support it.
