Lessons on the Reconstruction era and how to teach the 15th Amendment are among Share My Lesson’s nearly 50 resources related to Juneteenth.
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Lessons on the Reconstruction era and how to teach the 15th Amendment are among Share My Lesson’s nearly 50 resources related to Juneteenth.
To view the collection, click here.
By Kelly Heyboer/ The Star-Ledger NEWARK — Rutgers University is preparing to merge its two law schools, campus officials…
Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts proposed increased spending on higher education to begin reversing the 22 percent in cuts…
Gov. Phil Murphy recently followed through on his pledge in January to sign S3406 once it crossed his desk….
Many adjuncts and part-time faculty at colleges and universities feel apprehensive about some aspects of the Affordable Care Act,…
Simultaneous demonstrations on multiple campuses protest lack of progress What: Tenure-track and adjunct faculty, lecturers, professional staff and librarians…
[…] A hundred demonstrators gathered outside, mostly from the Newark Teachers Union, objecting to the plan of Booker and…