110917 boot camp day 1

Please attend this high-quality, research-based AFT Professional Development. Sign up here to attend on Friday, Nov. 10 and make sure you are signed up for Thursday, Nov. 9 if you wish to “double up” on your professional learning.

On each day there will be sessions offered in the following areas of professional development.  Light breakfast and lunch will be provided. Boot Camp is free for all AFT members.

Foundations of Learning
AM Session:     Scaffolding Your Way to Student Success
PM Session:     Using Feedback to Promote Student Learning

Managing Behavior
AM Session:     Measuring Behavior
PM Session:     Building Social Competence in the Classroom

English Language Learners 101
AM Session:     The Impact of Culture on Student Achievement In addition to learning a new language, ELLs have to adjust to a new environment and culture while learning new academic skills and content knowledge.
PM Session:     Increasing Family Engagement for Academic Success