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Ruling against Kean could have widespread implications

By Elana Knopp UNION COUNTY, NJ — An appellate court has ruled that Kean University failed to provide adequate…
Education Worker Union Endorses Buono for Governor

Contact: Nat Bender, 908-377-0393, Credit Senator’s vision for education and New Jersey that works for all MONTCLAIR…Senator Barbara…
N.J. DOE: Absenteeism increased in 2020-21

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NJIT appoints interim leader to permanent university president

By Nic Corbett/The Star-Ledger NEWARK — New Jersey Institute of Technology’s board of trustees has abruptly ended its national…
Update: Deal would allow Rutgers to absorb most of UMDNJ

By Patricia Alex, Staff Writer. The Record. Rutgers University would absorb most of New Jersey’s beleaguered medical university under…