By William Fitzgerald
AT RUTGERS Camden, it has become the new normal to begin each day checking the latest developments in Gov. Chris Christie’s plan to force Rutgers University to hand over its campus in Camden to Rowan University, and to end each day writing university boards, legislators and the general public explaining why this is such a terrible idea.
The idea, as many know by now, is to create a New Rowan by taking Rutgers Camden’s physical, financial and human capital and raising Rowan to research-university status, a designation that comes with more state funding. Upon takeover, Rutgers Camden ceases to exist, Rowan becomes a two-campus university of South Jersey, and Rutgers, formerly the State University of New Jersey, becomes a two-campus system in the state’s northern, more populous half.

From this bold move, proponents say, an economic and educational renaissance will bloom, including a revitalized Camden and resurgent Glassboro, home of Rowan.
What’s not to like?
Plenty, as the plan’s many and vocal opponents have argued for months.