If you believe that the rich can afford to pay a little more of the portion of their annual incomes above one million dollars, please write to your local legislators using this easy form. Ask them to support a budget that prioritizes the needs of citizens who work for a living and respects public workers such as teachers, college and university faculty and staff and healthcare workers. Then ask your friends to do the same.
Tell your legislators:
- Say ‘No’ to increased health insurance contributions. Let’s work together to cut costs.
- Say ‘No’ to weakening the pension system, ‘Yes’ to retirement with dignity.
- Say ‘Yes’ to the rich paying their fair share. Pass the millionaires tax.
Your legislators will receive (or feel free to modify):
Budgets reflect priorities and I am writing to ask you to support a millionaires tax in the state budget. Asking a few fortunate residents to pay a little bit more is good public policy and will go a long way towards funding vital services.
Attempting to balance the budget by undermining a modest pension system and increasing health insurance costs for public workers is the wrong path for New Jersey. As my legislator, I urge you to reject legislation that creates a “hybrid” pension plan (S-3753) and legislation drastically increasing health care insurance costs for workers (S-3754).
Since 2011, pension and healthcare legislation has had a significant negative impact on the ability of public workers to live and work in the Garden State. The newest attack on pensions and healthcare would add additional financial burden on working families. You cannot support this legislation and claim you support workers rights and collective bargaining.
I will be waiting to hear what your positions are on these two bills and any corresponding constitutional amendment versions as soon as possible.