Nick Yovnello Scholarship
Nick Yovnello Scholarship Brunch Sept. 27

Join the AFTNJ Committee On Political Education (COPE) Scholarship Committee the first annual AFTNJ Nick Yovnello Social Justice Scholarship Awards Brunch. We are proud to present the first scholarship to Corinne Reilly-Ferretto, a student activist from New Jersey City University.

Corinne Reilly-Ferretto
Corinne Reilly-Ferretto (on left)
” Over the past two years I have discovered a lot about myself through organizing. A colleague invited me to a NJ United Students meeting, exposing me to the world of social justice. I walked into a giant room with a projector showing an agenda, students using Robert’s rules to debate issues, and elections for a new executive board. I was amazed. I had never seen people my age actually work productively together to try to change things as whole for our state…It inspired me to be active for the rights of all students.” Corinne Reilly-Ferretto

The brunch will take place on Sunday, September 27 at the Heldrich Hotel in New Brunswick from 10:00 am to 12:00 Noon.

This event will also be the AFTNJ COPE Committee’s first ever fundraiser. Purchase your tickets today by calling 732-661-9393 or send an email (soberman [@] to reserve seats.

Tickets are $100 per person, $1,000 for a table for 10.

Please show your support for student activism by joining us on Sept. 27. Proceeds will go to support the AFTNJ COPE fund so that faculty, teachers and education workers can help elect pro-union, pro public education candidates.

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