Convention Legislative Conference
The AFTNJ Convention sets the policy of the organization and its success depends on the participation of all locals in good standing.The Convention will be held Saturday, April 9, starting at 9:00 AM continuing until 11:45 AM or until such time as it has given full consideration to all matters legally brought before the body. Parallel with the Convention, the Legislative Conference consists of educational workshops for AFTNJ members on professional and legislative issues. The sessions will take place Friday evening, April 8 and throughout the day Saturday, April 9.
Who can attend:
Convention delegates are appointed/elected by their locals as per local constitution. Note for Convention Delegates and Alternates: You will be automatically registered for the Legislative Conference. No need to register again. The Legislative Conference is free for members of AFTNJ locals in good standing, but registration is required Note for Convention Delegates and Alternates: You will be automatically registered for the Legislative Conference. No need to register again.

Questions about the Convention or Conference: Please email Krista Sweeney or call her at 732-661-9393.