Perth Amboy parents and students marched Sept. 25 to the city’s Board of Education building to highlight the need for courtesy busing throughout the school district.
“I was so proud to stand and chant with our parents as they advocated for busing for their kids,” said Perth Amboy Federation President Pat Paradiso, who along with AFTNJ President Jennifer S. Higgins participated in the march. “Many residents do not drive and have children in multiple schools. The lack of busing is going to have a negative impact on the ability of students to access education.”
ABOVE: AFTNJ President Jennifer S. Higgins (center) and Perth Amboy Federation President Pat Paradiso (second from right) prior to the Sept. 25 march in Perth Amboy for courtesy busing.
BELOW: Perth Amboy Federation President Pat Paradiso (far left) gathers with Perth Amboy parents and students Sept. 25 in front of the city’s Board of Education building. (Photos by Chris M. Junior)