Black Star News

Through refundable tax credits, the Respect, Advancement, and Increasing Support for Educators (RAISE) Act will help boost the compensation of early childhood, elementary, and secondary school teachers. Depending on the level of poverty in their school, public school teachers would be eligible for a tax credit up to $10,000. The bill would also double the educator tax credit, which teachers can use to offset the cost of school supplies.


During my classroom years back-to-school shopping meant scouring the school supplies sales for the best bargains that I could afford to pass along to my students,” Donna M. Chiera, President of American Federation of Teachers New Jersey, said. “Today, I see dedicated educators reaching into their own pockets to make sure their students have what they need when parents are unable to send them properly equipped and our schools are starving because educational funding is lacking. Teachers stand up for their students when the system has failed and this legislation assists in mitigating the financial strain on teachers. This investment is a strong first step in the journey of funding the educational future of our nation and I thank Senator Booker for introducing and championing it.”

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