110917 boot camp day 1

Please attend this high-quality, research-based AFT Professional Development. Sign up here to attend on Thursday, Nov. 9 and sign up again for Friday, Nov. 10 if you wish to “double up” on your professional learning.

Light breakfast and lunch will be provided. Boot Camp is free for all AFT members.

Foundations of Learning
AM Session: Designing a Supportive Classroom Climate
PM Session: Maximizing Student Engagement

Managing Behavior
AM Session: Behavior is a Form of Communication – What Are Challenging Behaviors Telling Us?
PM Session: The Acting Out Cycle

English Language Learners 101
AM Session: Language Acquisition and Learning: How does language development affect learning?
PM Session: Instructional Implications and Recommendations for ELLs: What are the linguistic, cultural and academic challenges faced by English learners?