CONTACT: Nat T. Bender, nbender [@], 908-377-0393

Overcome state shortfall in funding and restrictions to reach agreement

GARFIELD…Garfield teachers ratified a two-year agreement with two-percent raises for each year Thursday afternoon.  In order to settle at these percentages the Union needed to restructure the previous salary guide, according to Garfield Federation of Teachers president Rob Barbier, a high school English teacher. The expired salary guide contained higher increases, but was rejected by a state appointed monitor in May, which led the union to declare an impasse.

“The first restructuring of our salary guide in more than ten years was the major area of concern from members, some of whom expected salary increases from the old guide that no longer exists,” said Barbier. The new guide should eliminate members being frozen on a step, he said. “The contract also includes an increase in the stipends paid to coaches and advisors.”

Barbier blamed the state for short-funding the district, which added hundreds of new students and more than a hundred new teachers and staff positions without an increase in funding since 2012. “By not recognizing the growing financial needs within the district, the state is making negotiations more difficult and, more importantly, shortchanging the students,” Barbier said.

The Garfield Board of Education is expected to vote to approve the contract at Monday’s Board Meeting.