The Edu-Scholar Rankings seek to recognize those university-based academics who are contributing most substantially to public debates about K–12 and higher education

By Frederick Hess

The 2013 Edu-Scholar Rankings were released in a series of Education Next blog posts beginning January 7, 2013, along with a full explanation of the scoring rubric. Please visit for the complete list and related discussion.

The extraordinary policy scholar excels in five areas: disciplinary scholarship, policy analysis and popular writing, convening and shepherding collaborations, providing incisive media commentary, and speaking in the public square. Scholars who are skilled in these areas cross boundaries, foster crucial collaborations, and bring research into the world of policy in smart and useful ways. The academy today does a reasonably good job of recognizing good disciplinary scholarship, but a mediocre job of recognizing scholars who move ideas into the national policy conversation. If we did more to encourage and recognize policy-relevant contributions, more scholars might be willing to do more than publish articles in niche journals, sit on committees, and serve in professional associations.

The Edu-Scholar Rankings seek to recognize those university-based academics who are contributing most substantially to public debates about K–12 and higher education. The metrics used here are designed to gauge the influence of a scholar’s academic scholarship in terms of bodies of work, citation counts, book readership, and impact on public debate as reflected in old and new media.
