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Murphy calls for rules on school shooting drills as part of gun safety bill package
With Metuchen High School students in attendance, Gov. Phil Murphy spoke Dec. 2 outside the borough’s municipal building to…
School-Reform Legislation, Education Aid Among Items on Year-End Agenda
By John Mooney Last-minute votes could delay Common Core-related tests, reconfigure impact on teacher evaluations Up against the state…

Guest columnists: Racism in U.S. education is a ‘spiritual virus’
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Plan to Close or Restructure 21 Chicago Schools Draws Quick Reaction
By REBECCA VEVEA Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s education team made its first attempt at improving struggling schools last week, and…

Murphy urges COVID-19 test availability for all residential college students
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy opened his Nov. 18 coronavirus briefing by urging all colleges and universities to make…

Vaccine eligibility for N.J.’s PreK-12 educators, support staff begins March 15
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