As has been the case nationwide, the NPS is looking to introduce some performance pay components into any forthcoming contracts. The NTU is willing to listen to what they have to say, but the major sticking points are:

  • The NTU insists that any performance pay system that we discuss must be fair. The NTU has argued that neutral and/or peer validation must be in place to ensure that any evaluation mechanism is not arbitrary. The current evaluation system allows for too much subjectivity, so both sides acknowledge that changes need to be made, but those changes need to be done fairly.
  • The NTU insists that any performance pay system that we discuss must protect the legal and contractual rights of our members. State law does not allow the district to withhold anyone’s increment without the person having the opportunity to appeal. Obviously there are concerns with potential changes to these laws that you hear about in the media, but that is why it is important to have a contract that gives us as much protection as possible.

Send questions and concerns to Michael Maillaro at the Newark Teachers Union or call 973-643-8430 and he will do his best to answer them.

See the NTU Contract Negotiations Update or Facebook page for updates.

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