By David Giambusso/The Star-Ledger

The Daily Kos, a prominent liberal blog called Newark Mayor Cory Booker a “sellout” for attending a two day educational conference that they say is funded by the Koch Brothers.
“This gathering of the truly odious and anti-democratic, anti-schools, corporate elite, needs to be confronted in a direct non-violent, peaceful way,” the blog said, adding, “To get some idea of the gloating, vicious tone of this gathering, scroll down on this link to see the speakers — including, sadly, Newark ‘Democrat’ (a.k.a. Sellout) Mayor Cory Booker”
The two day conference is hosted by the Alliance for School Choice and is sponsored by the American Legislative Exchange council or ALEC, a right leaning think tank that drafts legislation, as well as the Walton Family foundation and Excellent Education for Everyone.