Stephanie Silvera, an epidemiology professor at Montclair State University, has a blunt take regarding the 11 MSU students who were suspended from campus housing earlier this month due to violating COVID-19 rules.

“Anytime anyone is drinking, their ability to judge goes down,” said Silvera in a story by Julia Martin. “If you’re drinking, you are not likely to say, ‘Don’t come within six feet of me,’ or be able to judge that distance.”

Dr. Richard Wolfson, president of Local 1904, recently appeared on WMSC-FM and was frank about the mask-wearing behavior he’s witnessed on campus.

“People are being extremely casual with the way they are wearing masks — under their nose, on their chin,” Dr. Wolfson said. “School policy allows gaiters and bandanas, which offer no protection at all. The university is only providing lip service to health and safety.”

To read more of Martin’s story, click here.