Though previous efforts have foundered, the state Assembly is trying again on a measure to allow the children of undocumented immigrants to qualify for the in-state tuition rates at New Jersey’s colleges.

The Assembly Budget Committee advanced the Tuition Equality Act this month, positioning it for consideration by the full Assembly, though it was quietly pulled from yesterday’s voting agenda.

Revival of the plan, already embraced in 15 other states, coincides with long-overdue federal debate over the future of the estimated 11 million immigrants who are living in the U.S. illegally.

In the glaring absence of a comprehensive federal policy, states have been left to confront the issue on a piecemeal basis. While that’s led to problems in some areas — contradictory directives on either side of state lines — the matter of tuition parity is one that would benefit New Jersey; could be easily accomplished and administered; and would be the right thing to do.
