By Jarrett Renshaw/Statehouse Bureau

NEW BRUNSWICK — Battered by budget and salary cuts, the faculty at Rutgers University’s school of the Arts and Sciences overwhelmingly supported a resolution today that called for cutting university subsidies to the athletic department and giving students a voice in how their money is spent.
The resolution, which passed by a vote of 174-3, symbolizes the faculty’s growing resentment over the athletic department’s increased consumption of university dollars that could otherwise be used for academics. Budget cuts forced faculty to forgo raises and even office phones.
“This is an unmistakably clear expression of how the faculty feels,” said Mark Killingsworth, a economics professor who has pushed for the resolution since the fall. “Parents got to know that the value of a Rutgers degree is under threat.”
The school of arts and sciences, which includes departments like history and economics, has a faculty of 910 professors, which account for about half of all professors at the New Brunswick campus.