By Bob Ingle

Kean University hired former Gov. Jim McGreevey to teach ethics and became a national joke. Now a higher education accrediting agency has put the school on probation saying it didn’t meet academic standards. But President Dawood Farahi says it’s because of a staff-driven agenda to discredit this school. That’s desperation. They’re trying to save the school’s reputation. Kean, in Union County, kowtows to political interests. How many people there could get a job somewhere else and how many keep their jobs by kissing Hudson County political butt? When politicians interfere with higher education bad things happen.

Being on probation is no small matter especially for the students, which is what college is supposed to be about. Maybe it’s time to clean house and send the political hacks packing. Earlier, Farahi acknowledged misrepresentations on his resume, but blamed Kean staff who prepared and submitted his resumes for accreditation. Farahi claimed in his presidential application that he won the Morris Abrams Award for best dissertation research at the University of Kansas, where he received a doctorate in political science. The organization that administers the award said Farahi has never been a recipient. A Kean spokesman said Farahi meant to say he was a nominee.

James Castiglione, the head of the Kean Federation of Teachers, said earlier, ”There is a common factor in this and all of the scandals and missteps during his time at Kean University — the inability to tell the truth and abide by the rules.”
