The Council’s collective bargaining agreements for our full‐time/part‑time and adjunct faculty units expired on June 30, 2011, and since then both units have been working without a contract. Negotiations have been ongoing since May between the Council and the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations, but no significant progress has been made. In and of itself, this is not unusual. However, the State has raised the ante to an unprecedented level by refusing to pay normal increments during successor agreement negotiation and by discontinuing the Sabbatical Leave and Career Development programs. The Council is challenging these actions at the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC), but legal actions alone are not sufficient. The bargaining demands from the presidents of our institutions are so draconian that we cannot agree to them. Our locals have responded to this challenge by staging protests and taking other actions on their respective campuses.
Also In This Issue:
Council Legal Actions and Challenges
Do You Know Your Rights?
AFT Local 4277 at Thomas Edison State College in the News