Yashmin Patel / University Editor

Posted: Thursday, April 19, 2012 12:00 am
By Yashmin Patel / University Editor | 0 comments
Rutgers United Students Against Sweatshops held a teach-in yesterday at Voorhees Mall on the College Avenue campus to inform students about the monitoring practices of the Fair Labor Association.
USAS will meet with University administrators at Winants Hall on the Old Queens campus Friday to receive a yes or no answer on whether the University plans to disaffiliate from the Fair Labor Association.
Rutgers USAS is campaigning for the University to disaffiliate from the FLA, which monitors and receives funding from companies like Nike that are known for commissioning sweatshop labor, said Anna Barcy, organizer of Rutgers USAS.
The University’s contract with the FLA relates to the garment industry that makes most Scarlet Knights apparel, she said.
Barcy, a School of Arts and Sciences first-year student, said the sweatshop conditions inhibit workers’ rights and subject them to poverty and minimum wage.