Frank has served our union and students with compassion and distinction in his role as KFT member and as a member of the board of the Latino Action Network (LAN). In these capacities, he testified at the Legislature in support of legislation to curb abuses of students by New Jersey’s student loan program, legislation that was signed into law last year. Frank also testified in support of legislation to allow undocumented New Jersey college students, the “dreamers”, to access student financial aid. In the fall of 2017, Frank organized a “Teach-In” event at Kean University, with KFT support, to help educate Kean students on the changes President Trump was making to the DACA program. He has served as KFT Delegate to the AFT-NJ Delegate Assembly for several years and was recently elected to a two-year term as a Member-at-Large of the Executive Council of the KFT.