
2018-2020 sample ballotVoting for 29 AFTNJ positions will take place at the AFTNJ Convention April 14, 2018 by registered delegates in accordance with the AFTNJ constitution.

The 2018-2020 sample ballot has been distributed to delegates  in advance of the April 14 convention.

One notable change is the absence of Treasurer Joe Amabile, a Newark teacher. Amabile decided not to run for re-election and AFTNJ President Donna M. Chiera thanked him for his years of service. “Through training and outreach to locals, Joe helped the union establish policies and practices to safeguard our resources and plot the path for growth,” said Chiera.  “We are as well-positioned as we can be to face the potential for difficult times ahead and make whatever transitions necessary. I want to thank Joe personally for his attention to detail and for his help in building capacity in strong, independent locals.  I personally will miss his guidance, support and friendship”

Convention delegates will choose from among 13 candidates for 12 Pre-Kindergarten to 12 Vice President seats. Since there are only 11 candidates for 12 Higher Education Vice President seats, nominations will be solicited for the open seat to be filled at the next Delegate Assembly.

Download sample ballot

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