Formed in 2003, the AFT Retirees of New Jersey makes an effort to keep members aware of the issues facing retirees such as pensions, health care, Social Security and Medicare through its website, quarterly newsletter and luncheon meetings. The organization also provides social connections among old and new friends. At this time, most of our members are teachers that retired from elementary and high school faculties, but we welcome colleagues from colleges and universities as well.

Dues for the 2013 – 2014 fiscal year will remain at the level of the group’s inception. Full members (for those who were once a part of AFT) pay $20; associate members are friends of AFT and pay $10. Full members recoup their dues if they attend all four luncheons since AFTR subsidizes luncheon costs.

Early in September all retirees state-wide will receive an invitation to join the AFTR of NJ. A copy of our newsletter and a membership form will be included in that mailing, so that all may understand our purposes. Only those members of AFTR of NJ who have paid their dues will be eligible for the “member” luncheon fee for the September luncheon at Giovanna’s. Present members and new members will be able to send in their luncheon request AND their membership dues all at the same time.

We hope all members will avail themselves of one of these opportunities to join and rejoin the AFTR of NJ and continue to reap the benefits of membership in your state-wide retiree group. If you have a friend who would like to join the AFTR of NJ, please refer them to our website:

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