The AFTR of NJ will have its fall luncheon/meeting on Friday, September 21, 2012 at Giovanna’s in Plainfield to congratulate new retirees and welcome the membership back after a relaxing summer. The group meets at 10:30 to socialize with friends and then has a business meeting at 11:00 a.m. before enjoying a luncheon together. At the September meeting members will compete in an American history and election information quiz. Additional information about the luncheon is available on the AFTR website: The most recent newsletter is also posted on the website. Join us for lunch and meet with fellow retirees. AFTR of NJ is open to all retirees from AFT locals, past and present. Annual membership dues are $20 for full members and $10 for associates. Luncheon costs $25 members/$28 associates/$30 guests. Send check by Sept. 12 to Ilene Zelkin, 23 Bell Dr., Westfield, NJ 07090.