At the recent Executive Board meeting of United Adjunct Faculty of New Jersey, Local 2222, it was decided that all chapters should plan some activities for Campus Equity Week (CEW). CEW is a biennial campus event that highlights the inequities adjuncts face on College campuses, and starts October 24, 2011.

Bill Lipkin, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 2222,  has been named to the Campus Activity Planning Committee of  the Campaign for the Future of Higher Education (CFHE). The national focus will be highlighting the economic plight of adjuncts across the nation. CFHE is planning such things as ‘tent cities’ and signs showing how much money adjuncts owe in student loans as compared to their income. The Union County College Chapter of Local 2222 is working on setting up a food pantry to help adjuncts in financial straits. Any other ideas will be greatly appreciated. Please send to

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