students in hallway

CONTACT: Nat Bender, nbender [@], 908-377-0393


EDISON… “Governor Christie has again claimed that he has increased education funding over the past several years of his administration. In reality most of our state’s districts and institutions at best will receive the same funding level this year as they saw last year.

Budgets are statements that reflect investments in what we value. If the governor values higher academic standards, increased use of technology, substance abuse, and other student supports, he has to invest more funding to take these concepts from talking points to reality.

What is more troubling is his call to revise the school funding formula which has been hailed as a national model for taking into account students’ needs. The formula was passed with bipartisan support and has been upheld by the NJ Supreme Court. Governor Christie should be working with the legislature to fully fund the current formula not looking to repeal and replace it.

Every dollar is precious for our students and we oppose the Governor’s attempt to move $1 million into an untested voucher program misnamed the ‘Opportunity Scholarship Act.’ Voucher programs have been shown to increase disparity and serve as a tool to funnel public money into private institutions and away from community public schools. ”

Follow @DchieraM


AFT New Jersey represents 30,000 education workers in Prekindergarten to 12 and New Jersey higher education. 

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