Are you considering running for local, County, State or Federal office? If so, please let AFTNJ know as soon as possible because we love to support our members’ advocacy for fair labor practices and educational excellence.

Contact email Seth Anderson-Oberman or him at 732-661-9393 by July 15 to be considered.

As a part of AFTNJ support, we recommend candidates attend the most successful AFL-CIO labor candidate program in the country.

Members who have attended the New Jersey State AFL-CIO labor candidate program have won 874 election victories since 1997. Now, union members represent working families in public offices within the U.S. House of Representatives, the State Senate and Assembly, on County Freeholder Boards, in our towns as Mayors, Aldermen, Committee and Council members, Fire Commissioners, and on School Boards.

This year’s Labor Candidates School and Non-Partisan Training Seminars take place August 13 and 14 and are the cornerstones of this successful political program. Election experts instruct union members about fund-raising and election law, research, message development, public speaking, media relations, voter contact, volunteer recruitment, targeting, and get-out-the-vote.

There is no fee for union members to attend. To learn more and sign-up visit: