By Krystal Knapp

Andrew Zwicker, a Democratic candidate challenging Jack Ciaterelli and Donna Simon to represent New Jersey’s 16th Legislative District 16, has been endorsed by the Professional Firefighters Association of New Jersey, which represents more than 4,000 firefighters and emergency services workers, and by the American Federation of Teachers New Jersey, which represents 32,000 members who work in schools from pre-kindergarten through university. Zwicker has also been endorsed by the League of Conservation Voters.

“I am honored to be endorsed by the Professional Firefighters Association of New Jersey and by the AFT,” Zwicker said, adding that if he is elected, he will make full funding of state pensions a priority.

“It is appalling that the state government has ducked out of its responsibility to fund the pensions of state workers, including first responders,” Zwicker said.
