from NJ Department of Elections

When is the primary election?

The first Tuesday after the first Monday in June. The Presidential Primary Election is set for The first Tuesday after the first Monday in February.

When is the general election?

The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

What are the hours the polls are open?

The polls are open 6 8 p.m.

Where do I vote?

You must contact the Commissioner of Registration and they can provide you with that information.

Am I registered to vote?

You may call the Commissioner of Registration to verify your registration status.

Why are voters asked to sign affidavits?

A voter may be asked to sign an affirmation form at the polls that he/she still resides at the residence on the registration list if his/her page is tagged (due to undeliverable mail) returned to the County Commissioner
of Registration

A voter may need to sign an affidavit if he or she is challenged by a poll worker or challenger who believes the person is not eligible to vote (usually because of residency).

Any voter who has moved within a county, and has not corrected their voter records, is eligible to vote in their new municipality by provisional ballot at the polling place. To vote with this ballot, you need to complete an affirmation form.

How can I get an vote by mail ballot on election day?

Vote by mail ballots are available on election day, under emergency circumstances. Usually, if a voter becomes ill on election day or the night before, an authorized
messenger can obtain a vote by mail ballot by court order.

How can I get an vote by mail ballot?

You must apply to the County Clerk at any time not less than 7 days prior to the election if you desire to vote by mail. If you fail to apply in writing for a vote by mail ballot within the 7 day time frame you may apply in person, or by authorized messenger for sick
or confined voter only to the county clerk on any day up to 3:00 p.m. the day before the election.

When must I send my vote by mail ballot in?

Your vote by mail ballot must be RECEIVED by the County Board of Elections no later then 8 p.m. on Election Day.

Can my vote by mail ballot be postmarked on election day?

Vote by mail ballots must be received by the County Board of Election by 8 p.m. on Election day.

I got an vote by mail ballot and my trip was canceled – what do I do now?

You may NOT vote at the polls if you received a vote by mail ballot, unless the circumstances have changed, which given that circumstance, may allow the voter to vote by provisional ballot on election day.

I was refused the right to vote at the polls because (you name it). Where can I appeal?

I moved – if you moved within the same county, go to the polling place serving your new residence. You can call the County Board of Elections or Municipal Clerk
for the location. You will be permitted to vote a “provisional” paper ballot.

If you moved across county lines more than one month ago, you had to register in your new county of residence. You cannot vote in your old county. If you moved across the county lines within 30 days you can vote at your old polling place in your former county. If you choose to go back, tell the poll clerk you
need to fill out the affidavit to vote.

My page was tagged/my sample ballot was returned undeliverable – if you reside at the same address of which you were registered, you may vote by completing
an affirmation form of residency at the polls. You then vote in the machine.

My page was missing – you should have been given a “provisional” paper ballot to vote for this election.

I was challenged and the board workers voted not to let me vote – you must go to the Superior Court in the county of your residence. Please call your county Commissioner of Registration.

There is (you name it) going on at the polls and I think it is illegal.

You should report this to your County Commissioner of Registration.

I just broke my leg, was admitted to the hospital, had a baby, broke out with measles, etc. and can’t get to the polls. How can I vote?

If you become sick or confined on election day, an authorized messenger, either a family member or registered voter of the county, must get a court order to obtain
a vote by mail ballot from the county clerk.

The authorized messenger should bring to court a completed vote by mail ballot application. The authorized messenger shall
be a family member or a registered voter of the county in which the application is made and shall place his signature on the application in the space so provided
in the presence of the County Clerk or his designee.

This can be obtained from the County Clerk. If a ballot is issued for
you please remember that the completed ballot must be delivered to the County Board of Elections before 8 p.m. on election day or it will not be counted.

They’re making people vote on paper ballots instead of the voting machine. Is this illegal?

If your voting machine becomes inoperable, the law allows voters to cast “emergency paper ballot” until the voting machine is repaired. Certain voters must also
vote by provisional ballot, if they are registered in the county and moved within the county without notifying the election officials before election day, or if
there is a physical problem at the polling place.


There is disruptive activity(fights, excessive challenging, campaigning, etc) in my polling place. What do
I do?

Report this activity to the Commissioner of Registration

Do only registered voters serve on juries?

That used to be true, but today any licensed driver over the age of 18 can also be called for jury duty.

If I vote, do I have to register as a Democrat or a Republican?

That’s only true if you want to vote in either party’s primary (nomination election). If you don’t vote in a primary, however, you have no voice in deciding who will
be on the ballot.

When did the HAVA identification requirements come into effect?

January 1, 2003.

On or after January 1, 2003, any person who registered by mail to vote in his/her
county for the first-time, and has never voted in a federal election in the county
of registration, is subject to the identification requirements.

What is an acceptable identifying document?

A current and valid photo I.D.; a copy of a bank statement, paycheck, utility bill, government check or other government document that shows the name and address
of the voter.

Some examples of a photo I.D. are:

driver”s license

motor vehicle identification card

U.S. passport

student I.D.

employment I.D.

professional I.D.

store membership I.D

county government I.D.

A government document could include a motor vehicle registration, public assistance card.

If a registrant provides a driver’s license number or the last four digits of the social security number, does the State have
to verify the numbers?

Yes. The federal law requires the state to verify the numbers in order to satisfy the
identification requirement.

What if a first-time voter does not provide identification before voting in a federal primary or general election?

That voter will have to show identification at the polling place. If the voter does show identification, the voter votes in the voting machine.

What if this first-time voter does not show the at the polling place?

That voter will have to vote by provisional ballot.