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Photos: AFTNJ Convention
Save our Schools NJ received the Friend of Education award for supporting the ideals and values of public education…
School vouchers, aid increase, included in Christie budget
By Jeanette Rundquist/The Star-Ledger TRENTON — Inside the nearly $9 billion that Gov. Chris Christie’s budget allocates for schools…
Return NJ School Districts to Local Control
Assembly bill 3637 would return much-needed local control to school districts under state control for far too long. We…
West Virginia Needs Our Support/UPDATE: Strike Settled
AFT Leaders on Proposed Deal to End West Virginia Teacher Strike, AFT, March 6. West Virginia teachers win 5%…
N.J. Voters Back $750 Million Bond Sale for Colleges, Poll Says
By Terrence Dopp Most New Jersey voters support a referendum authorizing a $750 million bond sale to fund capital…