Higher Education Leaders Call on Legislature to Restore Governor’s Damaging Cuts
A statement from the higher education coalition distributed to legislators: “The Governor has reneged on an already “austere” February…
A statement from the higher education coalition distributed to legislators: “The Governor has reneged on an already “austere” February…
NEW BRUNSWICK — Faced with an angry, rowdy audience at a public meeting today, the Rutgers Board of Governors…
So, in the wake of Christie’s announcement a month ago, one of Anderson’s early meetings was at the downtown…
From http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2011/02/28/union_clashes_with_new_jersey_community_college_over_one_year_full_time_posititons Some adjunct leaders outside of Ocean County, however, see this as problematic for the future of higher…
Joshua Rosenau Staff Writer A windy, rainy Saturday was not enough to keep thousands of union boosters from the…
AFT New Jersey member, quoted in Star Ledger: “The governor should be aware he needs to bargain in good…
AFTNJ StandsWith Wisconsin Workers
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