Keep up the Pressure: Tell LCOR to Abide its Contract and Create Union Jobs
The Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers of New Jersey (BAC/ADC) organized a demonstration this week to call on LCOR – the developer behind the “Valley and Bloom Project” in Montclair – to abide by its contractual agreement and use union pension funds it received from California teachers unions to create union jobs.
We thank AFTNJ and all of our union brothers and sisters who showed their support by attending this demonstration as well as making calls to the CEO of the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS), which has a controlling interest in LCOR and can therefore hold the company accountable to keep its promise.
California teachers, invested $800 million worth of their pension fund in LCOR with the understanding that their investment would go towards creating union jobs. Instead, LCOR is using that money for non-union labor. These teachers deserve an answer as well as immediate action from CalSTRS to resolve this matter.
You can help to keep the pressure on LCOR by taking the following action:
Make a call to CalSTRS CEO Jack Ehnes (916) 414-2200. Inform Mr. Ehnes that, LCOR has not honored its obligation to California’s teachers, and urge him to do everything in his power to compel LCOR to abide by its contract and use union pension dollars to create union jobs.
We must stand in solidarity, not only to make LCOR keep its word to the California teachers, but also to ensure that the jobs we create here in New Jersey support a middle class standard of living and carry the stamp of skilled union labor. Please take a moment to make a phone call to show your support and solidarity.