The New Jersey Work Environment Council (WEC) is a membership alliance of labor, environmental, and community organizations working for safe, secure jobs and a healthy, sustainable environment. WEC links workers, communities, and environmentalists through training, technical assistance, grassroots organizing and public policy campaigns to promote dialogue, collaboration, and joint action. Formed in 1986, WEC is the nation’s oldest state labor/environmental (or “blue/green”) coalition.
AFTNJ leaders and members joined WEC to celebrate their 2011 Honorees: Lisa Jackson, Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Frank Pallone, U.S. Representative, NJ’s 6th Congressional District, Ed Rodgers, Former Environmental Correspondent and Public Affairs Executive Producer, NJN News, Peter Guzzo, Ph.D., Founder and CEO, TTP Government Relations, Bonnie Anderson, Mesothelioma Awareness Advocate, and Deborah Ehling, President, PEMSA of NJ, (International Association of Firefighters Local 4610, AFL-CIO).