Current job title: Associate Professor of Journalism and Media Studies / Rutgers University
Local: Rutgers AAUP-AFT (Local 6323)
Union positions: General vice president / Rutgers AAUP-AFT (2021 to present)
President / Rutgers AAUP-AFT (2019-21)
My union story: Prior to coming to Rutgers, I worked as a community and labor organizer in Philadelphia since 2000.
Over the past few years, I have worked to unify all higher education workers across job category with the Coalition of Rutgers Unions, and at the national level, by helping to found Higher Ed Labor United. I strongly believe that the only way to respond to the crisis in higher ed — from student debt and rising tuition, to the jobs crisis for adjunct faculty, lecturers and staff, and the attacks on tenure — is to build a unified front of staff, faculty and students. Together we can build the power necessary to offer an alternative vision.
Career highlights/achievements:
Rutgers University’s Journalism and Media Studies department: Distinguished Achievement in Teaching (2011), Distinguished Achievement in Research (2013), Distinguished Achievement in Service (2015).