Current job title: Adjunct Faculty, Department of Political Science and Law / Montclair State University
Local: 6025 / Montclair State University Adjuncts
Union positions: AFTNJ Higher Education Vice President
Treasurer, Local 6025
Former President, Local 6025
Former Building Rep., Local 481
Former Shop Steward, CWA Local 1037
My union story: I began as a fourth-grade teacher in Newark in 1968 and immediately joined the Newark Teachers Union. I was involved in two citywide strikes, and in 1970, I was arrested and sent to jail for 15 days with 200 other courageous teachers who were protesting a corrupt city government and Board of Education in Newark. I was hired by the State of New Jersey in 1990 and became a member of the Communication Workers of America. I have maintained my relationship with AFT for over 50 years since that first job in an elementary school in Newark.
Career highlights/achievements: I am a six-time elected councilmember of the Township of Montclair, where I served one term as mayor from 2000-04.
Interests/hobbies: I have been a member of the Essex Running Club for over 30 years, but my real interest is in politics and history, reading extensively about the Progressive era 100 years ago.
Looking ahead: I hope to continue teaching at MSU and serving as an elected official on the Montclair Council.