Day to save collective bargaining
Day to SaveCollective Bargaining
Message to Legislators
To: NJ District 22 Representatives : Senator Scutari, Assemblywoman Stender, Assemblyman Green Cc: Rep. Sheila Oliver, Rep. Stephen Sweeney…
Rutgers board members close meeting by erecting temporary wall after audience becomes angry
NEW BRUNSWICK — Faced with an angry, rowdy audience at a public meeting today, the Rutgers Board of Governors…
Union attacks breed strange partnership
As a retiree and long-time,teacher union activist I’m really disturbed by the governor’s constant attack on public employee unions,…
New Newark Superintendent Takes Quiet First Steps into Restive City
So, in the wake of Christie’s announcement a month ago, one of Anderson’s early meetings was at the downtown…
AFTNJ Joins Rally Against Corporate Giveaways
AFTNJ Joins RallyAgainst Corporate Giveaways
AFTNJ Legislative Educational Conference
AFTNJ LegislativeEducational Conference
‘Justice for All’ Rally Brings Together Community for Empowerment in Newark
Community, labor and faith coalition calls for education, jobs and economic justice NEWARK…In the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther…
AFTNJ Tells Sen. Scutari: ‘Negotiate, Don’t Legislate’
AFTNJ Tells Sen. Scutari:“Negotiate Don’t Legislate”
AFTNJ Tells Sen. Theresa Ruiz: ‘Negotiate, Don’t Legislate’
AFTNJ Tells Sen. Ruiz:“Negotiate Don’t Legislate”
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