Your voice was critical in the enactment of the Every Student Succeeds Act, and we need your input again before the rules on accountability systems—that is, the rules around what counts in determining which schools are identified for supports—become final.

Sign our petition to the Department of Education on ESSA regulations before the Aug. 1 deadline.

Our members made it a priority to get the implementation of ESSA right, when we passed a resolution last week at our convention on engaging members and affiliates in implementing the law. As more responsibilities and decision-making are returned to states and districts, we commit to use the opportunity to fight for high-quality public education for all students, and resources and respect for educators.

Show your commitment to fighting for ESSA by signing this petition.

Some of the proposed regulations reinforce the law’s flexibility for states around incorporating non-test measures into accountability systems, and allowing schools and their communities to choose interventions for struggling schools. But we have some major concerns and must push for improvements before these rules become final.

It is important that you add your voice before these rules are finalized. Sign this petition now.

Without enough time to put in place all of the measures in their accountability systems, states will revert back to what they already have—test-driven accountability systems. We spent too much time fighting for a good bipartisan fix to No Child Left Behind; we have to make sure we get ESSA right.

Sign the petition now.
In unity,
Donna M. Chiera
Chair, AFT Teachers Program and Policy Council

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