
Union members across the nation joined many of the more than 750 demonstrations against the Trump administration’s family separation policy on June 30. United Adjunct Faculty of New Jersey – Mercer Chapter President Leonard Winogora, spoke out against the injustice at an 800-person rally in Princeton.

Winogora, a philosophy professor at Mercer County Community College, decried the forced separations and read excerpts from the complaint delivered by AFT to the United Nations against this “cruel and immoral” action.

Winogora quoted AFT President Randi Weingarten, who said, “We are a nation of immigrants strengthened by diversity. An overwhelming number of Americans oppose these policies. We shudder to think that America is building prison camps for refugee children.”

Responding to mounting public pushback, President Donald Trump reversed course and signed an executive order in June to end his administration’s policy of separating families detained at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Yet, many immigrant children remain separated from their parents for a variety of administrative and procedural reasons, despite a July 10 deadline for reunification.

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